I’m back?

Hello everyone! (Wow it’s been a while since I wrote this…)

I can’t believe it’s been almost six months since my last post… Almost half a year… I tried to write multiple times in these past months but it never seemed good enough for what I wanted my blog to be about, so I eventually stopped trying because I had other very important things keeping me busy. My master’s thesis… If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably know I started my master’s thesis in February. I thought I would be able to make blog posts while doing it but I just couldn’t. The pressure was too much. I had a couple of very unmotivated weeks so I had to focus all the little motivation I had on my thesis. Then we had a few problems with a characterization technique (because that’s how science and R&D works) and I just couldn’t focus on the blog. If I had posted anything in the past months, it wouldn’t have been the quality content I wanted. So I didn’t. But I feel like everyone that might still care about my blog needed and deserved and explanation, so here it is.

I’m really sorry about this six months hiatus but maybe it really was for the best and I’m definitely trying to come back in full force now. Because the dissertation is over. I now have a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. I had my thesis presentation on September 18th and it went really well. It was so gratifying!!!

And now the future awaits. I’m applying for a research fellowship at my university in the same group where I did my thesis so we’ll see how it goes (I’m kind of confident about it). It’ll be weird to start being a part of the research group, but I know I can do it (even if my social anxiety gets the best of me sometimes in the beginning). And no matter what, I’ll have my friends from my hometown and the ones I made at uni and I know I can count on them. I really do. And I think other people truly believe I can do it, so I just have to start believing on me too.

I’m honestly looking forward to the next couple of months! Possibly starting my first real job. I have a few trips planned out. Writing a scientific article with my thesis results. No matter what, no matter the bad days, I know I have things to look up to and good things in my life. I think, over all, I can honestly say I’m happy. Even on bad days I know, deep down, that it is just a bad day. And I embrace it. And I know I’m happy. And that’s all I really want. And I think I deserve it.

It’s good to be back. Until next time,

Jo xx ( how I missed this)

P.S. sorry about all the rambling and the messy, emotional post. I might be a little drunk because I went out tonight to say goodbye to my friend who’s going abroad for a while (hopefully to work abroad), but I honestly really wanted to do this post and update you guys and I just couldn’t wait and risk losing this motivation.

Also, if you want to know a bit more about what went on in my life, the best way is to follow my personal instagram @jo_mvr27 (and my blog one if you want @justme_joana)

Books I Read #1 – January, February, March

Hello everyone!

Last year I did quite a few posts about book hauls but this year I’ve been trying not to buy any (or at least considerably less) books. I got a Kobo for Christmas so in between reading the books I have, I’m going to give e-books a try (as much as I prefer physical books). So instead of posts about book hauls, I’ve decided to share the books I read.

This year I decided to set a goal for the books I read: I want to read 50 books. I have to say this is going well so far, so here are the books I’ve read in the first three months of the year. Continue reading

Top 5 Male Artist Voices

Hello everyone!

Today I bring you a different type of post that I’ve been planning on doing for a while. It’s a known fact I adore music. I probably listen to it every day…

There’s days when I just enjoy listening to music to pay attention to the lyris, to drink the words in. But the past couple of weeks I’ve found myself wanting to listen to some artists because of how much I like their voice. That’s basically what led to me writing this. I started thinking about the voices I enjoyed listening to the most, whether it was because of their vocal range and timbre or because of the emotion they conveyed.

Honestly, coming up with a top 5 was pretty hard and even now I’m still not sure about all of it. I could’ve forgotten one of my favourite voices for all I know… But anyway, here’s my top 5 of male artist voices. I thought it’d be pretty fun to share with you all.

Continue reading

First Beauty Haul of 2018

Hello everyone!

I started this post last friday when I was officially on holiday before the next semester started. Which happened on monday. So I only had three days… And I went to Lisbon for the weekend and then started working at the lab for my thesis so that’s why I didn’t finish this until now. Anyway, I miss being active on the blog so I wanted to write something on here. Continue reading

Books I read in 2017

Hello everyone!

First of all, happy new year (better late than never, right?)! And I’m sorry about my absense in the past months but this last year of university has been chaotic and so were the first two weeks of the year… I had a big project due to January 5th and two exams this week so only today was I able to take a deep breath, stop for a while and relax. I still have on more exam but these two weeks were so hectic that I almost feel on holiday right now.  Continue reading

What I’ve Been Loving – Christmas Time

Hello everyone!

I know it’s been a while, but I just don’t have time to blog properly and I’d rather not blog than make shitty posts. I’ve been working on my group project for uni every day and I get home really tired and sometimes really late. That’s why I’ve been m.i.a..

But now it’s Christmas time and I’m having a little three days break. I’m at my grandma’s house and I’m really looking forward to Christmas this year. Today I was thinking about the blog and I figured that I could make a return with this blog post as a Christmas gift to the blog. 

So here I am, to share with you a couple of things I’ve been loving or obsessing over.

Earlier this month I read The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas and I couldn’t not mention it. It was such a great book! Also this month I finally bought Secrets For The Mad by Dodie Clark and I finished it yesterday. I loved reading it!

Now, onto skincare… I’ve been using The Body Shop’s Strawberry Body Butter and I love how it feels on my skin. I totally recommend it, specially for winter. Recently, I used the Hot Spring Sauna Masque from 7th Heaven and even though I only used it once, I really liked how it worked. 

Last but definitely not least, you all might know I love my highlights and recently I’ve been completely obsessed with Nyx’s Duo Chromatic Illuminating Powder in Twilight Tint. It’s the only blue-ish highlight I own and I think it’s just perfect for this cold weather.

So this was it for today. I wish you all Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a happy new year, in case I don’t come back in a while.

Until next time,

Jo xx

The Internet Made Me Buy It #1

Hello everyone!

I know it’s been a while and the excuse is the same as always: university. This semester we have a big group project that is basically consuming almost all of my time. I also started researching articles related to my thesis. So, with those two things, the little free time I do have is spent mostly reading so that I can relax and forget about my worries for a bit.

Since I’ve been away from the blog for a while and I really wanted to change that, I decided to start organizing my time a little better. I might end up having to write a blog post in two or three goes in order to stick to my schedule but at least I’ll blog more often, which is something I really want to happen.

Anyway, a couple of months ago I started seeing youtubers doing “Youtube/Internet made me buy it” videos and I thought it was really interesting. I immediately thought it was something I might try out on the blog. That’s what brings me here today and the items I’ll be telling you about the Holler and Glow Printed Sheet Masks. Continue reading